Expert Trailer Repair Technicians

Frame • Axles • Bearings • Hubs • Tires • Runners • Rollers • Winch • Lights

Wrights Marine provides boat repair and maintenance services. We do a thorough inspection of all types of boat and watercraft trailers. Before we start any trailer repair or maintenance we will provide you with a repair estimate.

As a part of our diagnostic service we check your trailer bearings. It is important that they are properly maintained to prevent them from heating up or freezing while you are en-route to a boating adventure.

• Check Brake Bearings
• Trailer Brakes, Lights & Wiring
• Trailer Parts & Supplies

•  Electrical Interfaces (24 Volts to 12 or 12 Volts to 24 without hard wiring)

Visual Inspection of Entire Trailer

We also inspect and check all wiring. It is important that each wire connector is clean and free of residue and that there is no wire damage. As a part of this inspection we test your brakes. Don’t take your wiring for granted. You don’t want to harm yourself or another passenger because of faulty wiring.

•  Tongue Lock Repair & Maintenance
•  Trailer Parts & Hitches
•  Repair Boat Trailer Hitches
•  Trailer Welding if necessary

Adjusting the tongue lock to make sure that it is set for your vehicle tow package is also very important.  We inspect the quality of your tongue lock and are able to maintain, adjust or repair the tongue on any boat or watercraft trailer.

•  Inspect for Cracked Joints
•  Rusted Pits in Metal
•  Visual Inspection of Axles and Springs
•  Minor Paint Repair or Rust Prevention

The quality of your tires on your vehicle is also very important.  Often, we find that boaters neglect the tread quality on their boat trailer.   Be prepared and preventative in regard to your trailer tires.  Proper maintenance prevents mishaps along the way and keeps you from being stranded.